Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Playing Catch Up!

Happy Chrismakwanzaanewyearahannukah Fam! Hope that you're holidays were merry and bright. And I also hope you didn't declare bankruptcy trying to by gifts for everybody (snickering). I had to give myself a little break from the website. But never fear, I've brought you all sorts of goodies back from the land MIA. For starters, I have new video footage (yay!). Take a look below!

Next in my goodie bag is an interview I did with London-based music journalist Marion Lombardi from the music blog "The Wonderful World of Carminelitta". Click here to have a read; you might wanna sit back with a glass of wine on this one ;o)

Just wanted to let you guys know that I AM still performing and working on the album.  But I am also wearing my businesswoman hat, which can get a little tricky when trying to balance with the artsy side.  I, along with Preach Jacobs and Noura Gordon of Pyramid Music (Augusta, GA), have started the Augusta franchise of "Mo' Betta Soul".  Stay tuned for details on the upcoming's gonna be good!  Speaking of MBS, Sounds Familiar Records is working to take this show on the road.  With that being said, we have launched a big campaign to help us reach this goal.  It's a huge undertaking, so we definitely need your help.  Please check out the fundraising page for the Mo' Betta Soul Tour 2011.

Well, I think that's about it!  I still have more to tell you guys, but I want to save a little for later.  Until then, stay soulful ;o)