Monday, February 14, 2011

Quick Update!

Hey guys!  In a some song writing to do before I go to bed.  But I didn't want to get off the computer without giving you a quick update.

If you're wondering where I'll be performing over the next few weeks, I've just added new dates to the calendar.  So be sure to check out the Shows/Events section and come back periodically as I am in the process of confirming more shows.

I know that I've been hella quiet about the album.  No worries, it's getting done.  In due time everybody ;o)

We (Sounds Familiar Records) have successfully met our fundraising goal (and then some) for the Mo' Betta Soul Tour 2011!!!  Check out our Kickstarter page if you're interested in seeing how we did.

Next on the agenda: Please, and I mean, PLEASE follow me on Twitter @iDigFaythHope and join my fan page on Facebook if you haven't already.  I'm finally realizing how important social media is for an independent artist such as myself (I've gotta make these two fish and five loaves work!). 

And last but not least, spread the word about Fayth Hope!  Take care everybody!  MUAH!!